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Welcome to the official website of Lerthai Group
If you have any comments or suggestions on our Group, please leave a message or contact us

Lerthai Group staffs are dedicated to provide you with better service


In participating the business cooperation of Lerthai Group, in case of illegal behaviors such as Lerthai staffs asking for kickbacks and operating bidding, please contact the Supervision Department  in time, and provide the appropriate information to facilitate rapid processing.

Please clear the following in your complaint:

1.Contact information of the complainant;

2.Complaint object;

3.The event time, location and other concrete details, etc.;

4.Pictures, videos and other evidences.

(We will keep strictly confidential about your personal information)

Liaison units:Supervision Department,China LERTHAI Commercial Real Estate Group
Address: Supervision Department, Floor 8, Block B, Lerthai Center, No. 39 of East Zhongshan Road, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei province
Contact person:Mr.Guo 18031865636
Zip code: 050000
Tel: 0311-66769982
Fax: 0311-66769982
Email: zc@lerthai.netguoyunzhang@lerthai.net